Communal non-profit enterprise „Kramatorski Orphanage” Antoshka „is one specialized institution in the entire territory of Donetsk Oblast for orphans and children deprived of parental care aged 0-4 years. On March 13, 2022, due to martial law, the facility was evacuated from the town of Kramatorsk to the Chernivtsi district.
The administration of KNP „KBD” Antoshka „informs that at present the orphanage is evacuated to a monastery in the Czerniowce region, the village of Mołnica, Czerniowce Street, 38
As of July 11, 2022, there are 74 children in the facility, including:
– Girls – 28
– Boys – 46
From 0 to 1 year – 18
2 years old – 13
З years old – 23
4 years old – 17
5 years old – 17
6 ​​years old – 2
To feed the children in an orphanage, you urgently need:
Mixes , including:
NAN curdled milk
Lactose-free Nutrilon
Hypoallergenic Nutrilon
Anti-reflux Nutrilon
Nutrini 1-6 years – 500 ml Nr. 100
Nutrilon pantry
Nutrilon premium
Dairy-free porridge , including:
– rice
– oats
– buckwheat
Milk groats, including:
– rice
– oats
– buckwheat
Apple juice